April came and went in a blur... there was Easter Snapchat selfies...
Easter April Fools jokes... I only hard boiled some of the eggs!!
We took Bug to register for his HIGH SCHOOL classes...(he was in a bad mood because we asked him what type of classes he was interested in and gave suggestions... gasp... the horror of parents who have an interest in their kiddo!!)
There was turning 16... with fun fake eyelashes for the day!
and heading to the movies to watch "The Greatest Showman". 3 out of 4 McFarlands LOVED it... RAVED about it and went home to listen to the soundtrack... one was less than thrilled about going but said it was fine when it was over. Ainsley drove as she got a Birthday Gas fill up!
Just an at home birthday this year... long story short... High School can be so rough and friends so mean. It was really... really tough for me to not to say or do anything. She told me she wanted to handle the situation her own way... grr. We were more than excited to spend the entire day with her however!!