Living In The Moment...
Trying to take a cue from Ainsley this summer to just live in the moment for a time or two. It's hard for me to not make lists and plans for today... tomorrow... or the future. It is just who I am... I crave schedule and control and when the two things don't go hand in hand I feel it in every ounce of my being.
The passing of 2 teenagers a week ago to a horrific car accident (Ainsley knew them both) has me thinking about life and the life of my own little family... it's hard with a new driver after this event to NOT pull hard on the reins and hold her tight forever. It's hard to not let your own thoughts and feelings cloud your teenager's thoughts, dreams and ideas. You want your kiddos to have experiences where they learn and grow but loosening that umbilical cord is super hard when you just want to protect them from life.
Ugh... this parenting gig is H A R D! The sleepless nights... newborn cries... and the "terrible twos" are nothing compared to guiding your young adults into being productive members of society!
Here's to the summer of living in the moment... a little more!