May Craziness...

Published on Jun 5, 2017

With the blooming of the trees the craziness of May began...

I seriously despise the month of May... work for me is a zoo, the kiddos that I deal with have CRAZY behaviors during this month.  There is a huge push for those last minute school projects... like Walker needing to do an interactive book report and he had only read the first couple chapters of the book!!!  So it was non stop reminding that his only option was to read 24/7.

Studying for Math finals only to find out that your Freshman has been lost in math for the past month and that she didn't ask for help because the teacher went on maternity leave and the subs aren't familiar enough with the material since they are only there to fill in for the end of the year!!

Thank you Google... and Khan Academy... and my smarter other half who guided Ainsley through it!!

Because all that isn't crazy enough we've got end of year piano recitals...

Ainsley earned her 2nd gold cup which means she has earned 6 superiors in a row for the past 6 years! This was Walker's 5th superior this year.

There was also an end of year Cheer performance and High School Choir performance on the same night 15 minutes apart from each other!

This routine was a favorite of Ainsley's... except for lots of bruised arms, legs, knees and even a few times of getting kicked in the face when they were working on it but it came together really great!

So glad for friends who saved us seats at the choir concert so we didn't have to just choose which event we were going to attend... since the time crunch was crazy!! High School Choir has been fantastic for Ainsley... she pushed her self creatively and became more sure of herself as she tried out for solos.  She also tried out for the "show choir" which is similar to Frankin Singers that she did last year.  Highland Trouvers is one of the elite groups... once you are in... you are in for all of High school.  It was a tight competition, over 50 participants for only a handful of spots open.  She didn't make it but was asked by the choir teacher if she would try out again next year so that gave her a boost of confidence.

There are just a handful of boys in the freshman choir they really need some more to round out the song but the girls are amazing!! I'm totally biased though! :)

For some odd reason I thought adding Drivers Ed classes was also a good idea... more like I was nagged to death about it for months and I finally caved... ha!  This entailed getting a permit at the DMV... and a lot of driving Ainsley and BFF Elise to and from class.