Ainsley's birthday landed on a Saturday this year so after having a sleepover with the girls Friday night they woke up Saturday and surprised Ainsley with an adventure... aka a Pajama Birthday Breakfast! I was in the loop as I was the driver... ha! But Ainsley had no idea what was planned except that she needed to just go blindfolded with them.
These girls crack me up... seriously they just rolled off the couch and said we are ready... no hair brushing... no makeup... not sure if the teeth were even brushed!
Ainsley surprisingly has a good sense of direction when blindfolded so I had to take a few detours before the final destination...
Later we did the family thing with Jimmy John subs and white cake with white frosting...
We did a little photo shoot with some of her new clothes... I love that she's always up for pictures and documenting life!
wow... 15 years old... she is full of life... loves/lives for time with friends... is always talking/texting/Snap Chatting and Face Timing... is a complete night owl... not a morning person... is always working on hair and makeup while watching YouTube videos or Netflix... procrastinates bunches (which drives us nuts)..but has done REALLY WELL as a Freshman with the school load and extracurricular responsibilities... has taught herself how to play the guitar and always is singing while playing... does cheer moves ALL THE TIME... has a snarky teenager attitude at times but is quick to change it and apologize when she's called out on it. She is a messy room girl, craves simplicity but can not find the balance. She loves to eat "dinner stuff or leftovers" for breakfast when she wakes up in time... and just about every day eats ice cream... she complains daily about walking to school and tries to get rides with friends. She is a great kiddo and I love the person she is growing into... she makes my heart swell when I see her love of photography shine in the pictures she captures. Like this one... she easily captured the"best picture taken at Capitol Reef" over spring break...