The Sandbox...

Published on Mar 21, 2017

The Sandbox is no more... it was much loved with hours spent digging and playing!  The memories of these two will always be close to my heart...

But as time moves on it's time to rework the area for the new memories that will be made in the backyard.  We spent part of Saturday taking it apart and moving the sand over to the garden area to make way for the new fire-pit... aka the summer teenage hangout spot!  It was quite the event... even the neighbor boys peeked over the back fence to see what we were up to.

Ainsley planned out where the fire-pit and benches (that we need to make) will be...

Stay tuned for more photos!  Hope to work on it a lot more over Spring Break... at least get the fabric cloth down, the perimeter framed in and gravel ordered!