Piano Festival...
Once again piano festival happened this weekend...
This year was the first year that I was calm and not stressed watching them go down the hall to perform. The weeks leading up to festival... entirely a different story. Walker no big worry for he had his down weeks ago... he absolutely loved the Piper's Jig piece and could be found practicing that all the time... he loved that it had to be played fast... loud and that it was an Irish piece... he's got this thing lately about Scottish/Irish music, he can't get enough of it! The other required piece... a Minuet he called his "boring piece" but he got it memorized and was ready to go weeks ago.
Ainsley on the other hand... OH MY. Endless chats about time management and piano requirements resulting in NOT FUN parenting moments of nagging... arguing... reminding constantly and ultimately getting the lovely teenage attitude which resulted in privileges (phone and friends) taken away. There was pressure from her piano teacher as well who asked if her parents knew she was struggling with her pieces!
So by the time festival actually happened I was pretty calm and relaxed... there was no more that could be done last minute. It's hard finding a balance of pushing and letting kiddos figure out their life mistakes on their own.
The plan was simple... Ainsley would go first and then Walker would follow for they were both using one of the same books. (Ainsley really hates that Walker has caught up to her... and will probably be passing her very soon... but not that much to practice constantly!) The judges got behind considerably and last minute they decided to pull Walker to another judge I think that really messed him up for he blanked out part of his pieces! Not enough to make it disastrous though for he got a Superior... whew!
Ainsley knew she wasn't prepared as other years and the pressure of waiting really ate into her... her hands were trembling and while she said she messed up a bunch too she also got a Superior! This will be her 3rd Superior and she will get her next gold cup later this spring... Whew! Piano teacher was also waiting it out with us and she too was relived that Ainsley pulled it out at the last minute. She reminded her that next year she will not be able to wait until the last minute... the pieces will be a lot harder and the judges will be able to tell if you are truly prepared or not... time will tell if this "ugh crunch time feeling" with resonate with her next December when she will get Festival pieces again.