Cheer Competition #2...

Published on Feb 11, 2016

Last Saturday the girls had their 2nd cheer competition and had their brand new uniforms to wear!!  They turned out so cute!!!  I love that the Vice Principal ordered competition bows for the girls that matched exactly... too funny... this is his first year at the school and he has turned into the "mother hen" for the cheer team.

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The girls performed two routines.  The first routine was called "Show" and they were the first ones to start off the competition... always hard to be first.  They didn't place with this new routine... partly because they just don't have the numbers of girls like the other teams do to perform the stunts... they did an awesome job though!

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The second routine called, "Pom" is the routine that they did the previous competition and they won this event again... these girls so cute... so awesome!  One more trophy for the school!!


This weekend is another competition... they will just perform the "Show" routine for judging and will perform "Pom" just for fun during the break.