Super Hero...

Published on Mar 5, 2015

Between 5-7pm most nights its a blur... there is dinner, homework, piano practice, kids other activities, laundry is humming along, dogs are barking and the cat is picking the cabinet and a many sane cells are lost during this time... it's literally a BLUR.

Sometime during this blur we talk about school... how the day was etc, we usually go over the schedule for the rest of the night and we talk about anything upcoming.  Somewhere during this time Ainsley talked about  Spirit week for the remainder of the week.

The time approaches after 7pm and Ainsley says, "So what am I going to do for Super Hero day tomorrow??"  CRAP is my first thought... I totally forgot to think of something.  I put my Mommy mode in gear... did a little Pinterest looking... rummaged around in my craft room and 45 minutes later I emerged...

With a makeshift Green Lantern costume and an approval from a 12 year old...


This was the look just before we left for the school day... can she seriously get any more beautiful!!?!!?

(yes her hair is lighter... that's a post for tomorrow).
