Pumpkin Patch...

Published on Oct 18, 2014

Every month Walker's scout troop has a pack meeting where all the kiddos in different levels of scouting meet for an activity.  This month we met out at the local pumpkin patch for a hay ride, corn maze and a little tailgating dinner.

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I love when I get to play around with photography...

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We took the hayride out to the patch and the kiddos got to pick out a small pumpkin to take home...


Glad to have a new family picture...


And absolutely loved watching the sun go down while waiting for the kiddos to find the perfect pumpkin...


After hot dogs, chili and hot cocoa it was almost 8pm and the boys wanted to head into the corn maze in the dark!!  Good thing for parents and a sister who had phones to use as flashlights!! It was a mile long corn maze and you had to answer questions correctly to find the way out.  It was fun up to question #20 by the time we got to 67... not so much.

Can you say wound up crazy boys... way past their bedtimes!!


We finally made it out of the corn maze around 9 pm.  Whew what a night... fun times though.