38th Bday...
Well this one will go down in the books for most memorable Birthday!
Ainsley had been complaining about a sore throat over the weekend that coupled with a high fever for two days I decided to take her in on Monday for a strep test. I hymned and hawed over what time to take her in... after work or take the day off and do it in the morning. After I saw her upstairs in bed crying because she felt miserable and couldn't go to school I figured now was a better time.
We were able to get in rather quickly and after my concerns and a quick throat check they did a strep swab... we waited and it turned out negative... next thought on the Dr.'s mind was to do a CBC and a mono test... since something was going on... this required blood to be drawn! Poor Kiddo she was highly stressed about this new development but held it together until the parking lot when she burst into tears and needed her mama to just hold her for a moment.
What do you do after this... head over and get donuts of course... everything is better with a little sugar on top!
I wanted her to stay home the next day until we heard of the result and rest. But since her fever wasn't constant she wanted to head to school... it comes down to one of those decisions... make her stay home and have her stressing out over the tests she was missing or send her off with the instruction of, "IF you can't make it or feel yucky with chills call home! "It took over 24 hours to get the test results back and late last night we found out it was a NO on mono... thankgoodness. But a yes to some sort of bacterial infection. Got a couple of doses of antibiotics in her... here's to memorable 38th birthday for both of us!!