The Report...

Published on Aug 30, 2013

School for the kiddos is moving right along...

The first day was a bit boring for both with the rules and regulations taking up majority of the the day.  By the second day Ainsley was finding all of her classes and quickly decided her Art class is her favorite... surprise... surprise.

Ainsley was issued both a locker and locker buddy... both will take some getting use to.  The locker has to have a "trick" to get it to open and locker buddy turned out to be someone who wasn't as thrilled as Ainsley was to organize and color code everything... HAH!

She has gotten use to coming and going on the bus... makes for a long day leaving at 8am and getting home at 4pm... I'm still trying to figure out how to listen to their days, get them a snack and still get dinner all in before Football in the evenings.  Once piano and homework start it will be an interesting juggle.

Little Bug had a rough start the first day but after realizing how awesome his teacher is he actually is  happily out the door to school in the mornings... phew!

Really ready for the weekend to catch up on menu planning... grocery shopping... and laundry... fun fun!