The Blue Sock...

Published on Apr 9, 2013

Willow dog has toys... outside toys... chewies... and inside toys that we throw around when it's yucky/cold outside.  We have to watch her with said toys because when left alone she will chew them up and since plastic and stuffing aren't a sufficient diet we tend to not have any of them lying around.

Well while spring cleaning out the kids closets I found the Blue Soccer Socks that were once upon a time used for Soccer games... since the kiddos have both decided that soccer isn't their sport I put them in the garage sale area.

Every time the door to the basement got left open Willow would immediately run to the garage sale area and grab that blue sock and throw it around... and then take off running with it.  She would run like a wild dog with it and then settle in on her blanket with it... not chewing it just having it near her.  After the umpteenth time of taking it away, putting it back and her searching it out I finally said, "Okay it's yours!"  I didn't want her to think that the kiddos clothing items were play toys but since she was so adamant about having it and doesn't seem to want to destroy it... just likes carrying it around and having it near I figured it was a good thing for her.

Here she is with her sock... guess it's the "Bear" or "Phyllis" for Ms. Willow.  Luckily it comes with a spare too!