Middle School...

Published on Apr 5, 2013

We officially registered for Middle School this week...

Her first decision to make was what musical class did she want to be in.  Her choices were Band, Orchestra or Choir.  She chose Choir... I can't say that I'm not ecstatic about NOT having to buy/rent an instrument this next school year!

She also got to choose electives for the next year... they had really cool stuff like a class on dinosaurs, broadcasting, sports history. She had 10 classes to choose from and ended up going with Ceramics for a trimester and then taking Study Hall.  She's beyond excited about heading to Middle School next year... parents not so much (for the time being).

This week was also all about getting the upcoming 11th Birthday party planned and organized...

A fairly low key event for us this year... 6 girls in a sleepover next weekend.