Valentine Cuties...

Published on Feb 17, 2012

Here's our Valentine Cuties...

My story for the week... at school the kiddos have been having penny wars for the past week. Each class needed to bring in as many pennies as they could to fill their bucket. You can also bring in silver coins or paper dollars and "bomb" or give the other class' bucket a negative amount towards their pennies.

Every year the school picks a worthy charity or community project to donate the money to. This year they decided to donate to a 4th grade girl at another school who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Today the amounts from Penny Wars were announced. Ainsley's class won with the most pennies over 50 some dollars in PENNIES! Over all the school raised almost $1400 to give to this girl's family. Ainsley came home so excited that her class won and said, "We donated over $1000 dollars that will be enough to beat the girls cancer... right???" If only it was that simple.