Plus One More...

Published on Jan 27, 2012

I left for work for a couple hours yesterday... came home and checked Ainsley's throat and sure enough the oh so famous white patches had arrived to the party that seems to be happening at our house.

Luckily when I had her tested for strep the day before the Doctor said if the white spots came in the next day or so to call her and she'd call in an antibiotic for Ainsley. So I didn't have to take her back in for another throat swap.

Not wanting to take any chances with another reaction we opted for a NON Cillin...

Ainsley is NOT a medicine taker... she had to take a double dose right off and it was just about all over me... She gagged and was in the motion of throwing it up when I yelled, "DO NOT THROW IT UP!!" Luckily it went down but for the next half hour she was still gagging over it... lovely. Today's dose should be an exciting adventure as well... stay tuned for the next chapter as the McFarlands wage war on the mysterious non hurting Strep Throat saga.

I just might need to check in to a local hotel... ha!