Cell Phone...

Published on Oct 7, 2011

She was super excited to get her very own cell phone!!!...

Yikes... I always thought we'd be the type of parents that wouldn't cave to the latest trends but yeah we did. It's her emergency phone... and her parents piece of mind. She gets dropped off at the middle school for violin lessons twice a week and although she's safe there... middle school kids are still hanging out... there isn't a teacher on duty and if her class was ever canceled she'd have to wait out the hour and a half until we came back to get her.

So yes it's our piece of mind and her ultra cool hipness phone. She's already picked out her favorite ring tone, changed her background picture and loves to snap picture of the cat... who's less than amused to be the background of choice. She's already been given the lecture about "it's an emergency phone" ...she's super responsible and I know she'll treat it as such.

EEks... growing up so fast!