School Eve...
All 72 pencils are sharpened and labeled...
This was the most we've ever needed. I thought for sure either my hand was going to go numb and/or the pencil sharpener was going to start smokin'.
Snickerdoodle Blondies are made and lunches are packed...
And kiddos are now tucked in bed. One pumpkin is very excited... can hardly wait... and constantly rattles off what she's excited about the most. Which is seeing all her friends, learning/wondering all about the new things this year and getting to know her teacher... who is rumored to hand out chocolate during school time.
One little Bug is sort of excited one minute and sad the next. Just talking about it today made him all teary-eyed. He can't wait to see his best pal Wade and have recess but doesn't want to talk about all the new stuff he will learn.
Will post the first day pics tomorrow!